Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Facebook Wants Your Phone Number And Address! WHY?

Today I read an article from CNN about Facebook asking for even more of our personal information. They have started asking for peoples addresses and phone numbers. I can't imagine why on earth they would need more than our intimate photos, relationship status, personal thoughts, interests and everyone you consider a friend enough to stalk when you have nothing better to do. This being said Facebook was very serious wanting to know every one's information until the news leaked out and bloggers up roared in an outrage and then "It" hit the fan!

Facebook has told the press they are interested in getting this information to use it for all the online shopping and advertisement reasons. Also saying that it could be a useful tool for some of their applications such as Farmville. Personally I think this is a little crazy. I don't know if I would feel comfortable lending out that information out to anyone let alone one of the biggest social networks in the world.

Read a great article on this by following the link below.

Joseph V. Catalano --- Find me on Linked In!
RELAY|technology  ( twitter or join us on Facebook )

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