Thursday, December 16, 2010

Smartphones: Taking Over Big Business

It is a bright future for the smartphone in today's enterprise world. From the Blackberry to the iPhone and now making a splash, Windows. It is a new world with the smartphone not only knocking on big business' door but rather kicking the door in with a squad of new accessories. So many large companies are turning to making smartphones mandatory for all employees. But where does it stop? What about the older generation that wants nothing to do with a touch screen? I am not saying that it is great for technology to help advance the company into new lime light; but is it really that important to see an e-mail while getting an afternoon snack? I think it is ridiculous to go to a kids soccer game and watch all the parents checking the Internet for weekend e-mails. In my opinion there is a time and a place for budding technology.

Then again, where would the line be drawn? Who am I to say it is not helpful for those men and women who prefer to work 24/7 to have access to their e-mail, Internet, etc.. Atleast now that parent can make it to the soccer game with a smartphone in hand. The advancement of technology in the past 50 years has skyrocketed past the development of the 100 years before it. should we not be careful that we don't grow too fast or too much? I guess not.

The article below is a pretty cool statement about how bigger companies are increasing the use of smartphones for their employees. It is very cool that just like it is still cool to get on with a company and get an expense account, a company car or even a company computer, like the one I'm typing on right now; to get a company phone. and no longer will we be limited to a certain number of character to fit in a text. But now we can access whatever we want whenever we want! Welcome to the future; a changed landscape of how busness is lived.

<"This was NOT sent from my iphone">

Joe Catalano

Monday, December 13, 2010

Open Source Video Games

It is a wonder why there are not more open source video games available. When thinking about the practicality of using open source technology; it just makes sense. From a financial outlook, why would a producer want to use a product that would be outrageously more costly than a similar open source product? But maybe it would be wise to not make many video games open source. What would be the point of giving a technologically advanced person the availability to change a game that so many people worked so hard to make it what it is. The argument is that it you feel the need to change a game then why buy it in the first place?

In my personal opinion I think it would be cool to see what people can do with an open source video game. The world could see firsthand what some of our most gifted and creative people can do with a little help. However I think that there needs to be a line drawn that some games can be open source but others should not. For example, I don't think it would be fair to others in a game like "Call of Duty." When playing in the online/ multi-player setting it would not be fair for one person to change his settings for his advantage when the other players would not get the same options. On the other hand; it would be appropriate to change the game in a 1 player game.

These are my two cents. Also go to the link below to read more on the article.

Joe Catalano

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lnux; Compapatable With All Religions

This is a cool article. Microsoft, being a household name, is recognized to even the no tech savvy person. Most open source technologies are only studied by people who have a genuine interest in getting hands on. I feel that until Linux, and other open source technologies, breaks into the everyday life of non-technical people; it will just stay under the radar. But bringing it to a church setting and showing the abilities to save money on a large scale is a great idea. If everyone brought open source technology to their religious institute the word of mouth could sky-rocket many sources into popularity, make local/national news, news papers, and of course the Internet. Follow the link to a cool and new interesting way to save a church some money.

If you are in IT and looking for a new and interesting job let me help. As an IT recruiter I see many job openings of all kinds. Use me to take that next step in your career!

Joseph Catalano ---

Monday, December 6, 2010

Fedora No More!

The last day for Fedora 12 was last week. The biggest question I have is does it matter? there are so many new opportunities in Linux that I am not sure if it will make too many ripples in the IT pond. At the same time the Fedora project, sponsored by Linux is a great tool to bring together the IT community and combine innovative ideas and thinking.
Not to worry for too long. Just as technology is evolving everyday so is Fedora and Linux. Those of you who rely on Fedora 12 can download Fedora 13, 14 or 15(soon). I say the closing door of Fedora 12 only opens with 15 so be ready and make a difference because that is what the open source community brings to the table; Open, Honest, and Collaborated Thinking.

To read more go to .

Joseph V. Catalano --- Find me on Linked In!
RELAY|technology  ( twitter or join us on Facebook )

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Difference Between Android and iPhones

The link below is a great little comic humor at the iPhone's expense. The short cartoon touches base with the topic that Android Apps can change, evolve, and shape to your personal liking. Don't get me wrong; there are MANY great aspects of Apple products. iTunes, iPod, iPad, iPhone and all the other gizmos and gadgets are at the cutting edge of technology. The new evolution of these products will shoot our generation well beyond what most of us thought possible. However, I feel the opportunity that follows the development of Android products is much greener on all sides. Much like open source technologies, the Android point of view is ever-changing, ever-challenging, and ever-ours! Link open source products before Android, it is the passionate people behind the product that push the envelope of what is possible. Together these bright minded and future focused "techies" can reach new heights with a collaboration of ideas from friends from all around. We may not speak the same language or believe in the same ideals or morals. But together a common interest to better the new technologies that touch our lives everyday, We believe in Android. Now laugh at the funny comic relief!

Joe Catalalno

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Star is Born

Looks like LG is raising the bar with the new 'Star' Android device. It boasts a dual processor and a 4" touchscreen display. Click the link below to see the leaked images.

One question: how is this phone going to fit in your pocket? Based on the photo the Star is large. Doesn't anyone want a phone that fits in your pocket anymore? Next thing you know we will have laptops strapped to our belts... or worse need a murse to carry our phone. If you don't know what a murse is, then good for you it's best that way.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kinectman2: Possible Open Source Kinect Driver

I recently posted about Adafriut's $3000 bounty for an open source kinect driver to compete with Microsoft's new addition to Xbox360, Kinect. It really is something new, fresh and cool. From this point forward the evolution of gaming will sprout out of controllers and into a free movement. Even for someone who is not the biggest gamer in the world; or even someone who doesn't understand the internal complications of the make up, I still think Kinect is too cool for school.

New info has surfaced about the possible open source version of kinect. The newer and maybe cheaper version is so originally named "Kinectman2". If you follow the link to the article you can view the demonstrations on youtube. Some are calling this hacking but Microsoft has not said a peep about hacking. I don't think they want their name associated with the negative connotation of the word "hacking." Either way, Kinect and or Kinectman2 is a break through, I can not wait to see where it goes from here.

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Joe Catalano

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Open Kinect Blog

It is very interesting to see the open source wave of creativity making hedge way in even the Microsoft world. Below is a link to a great article about a $1000 bounty for a kinect driver. There is so many new cut-throat advancements hitting the gaming market every year. Each year it seems that there is a newer, faster, better, more memory driven advertisement for the hottest new system. Who knows maybe we as IT'ers are just on the bleeding edge of creation. Who knows what will become of this. But I hope if the Kinect driver is created and open to consumers it will look like the photo at the top of the article. Check it out...

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just the right size? LG's new Android-based Tablet

Might be just the right size for those out there wanting something smaller than the iPad and bigger than the Galaxy.

Too bad it won't be out til Q1 2011, it would have made for great Q4 holiday sales.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Open Source Charging

Not breaking news by any means but very cool. Below is a link to an article about the new Linux credit card. Apparently you can carry around the coolest club members card known to man. Think about it; imagine being out to a dinner with some work friends or a lunch meeting and when you through down your credit card to get the bill( because your a stud) you whip out a Linux charge card. What a cool and subtle way to show open source spirit!

I wonder if the penguin logo comes with it.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Stop Copying My Answers!

The link below is to a great article about Google being caught "copying" pages of code directly from copyrighted Oracle material. An Apache caught perhaps the biggest and fastest growing name in Internet history. What does this mean for Google? How will the conglomerate continue to keep their image clean?

Relay Technology

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Ever Changing Technology

Here is a great article on the great strides that Technology has taken and will continue to take.

Mystery open source switching company claims top-of-rack price edge | IT News

Another top-of-rack switch, based on open source code, is being offered for data center and cloud computing environments.

Pica8, a mysterious company “committed to providing open source solutions of L2/L3 switch software” is pushing 48-port Gigabit Ethernet and 10G Ethernet switches with open source software and at half the price of comparable products from Force10 and Arista Networks. The company says that combining its open source software with off-the-shelf ASICs from companies like Broadcom, Fulcrum and Marvell on switches from “white-box vendors” like Pronto Systems, achieves a tenfold increase in price performance over “legacy embedded switches.” (Keep Reading....)

Buyers considering iPad alternatives | IT News

Buyers considering iPad alternatives IT News

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Today marks the first day we reach out to you. We are now bloggers informing and entertaining the IT world. Not only is IT our job but it is our passion. We invest ourselves daily in to the new networks of social change. As technology evolves, we as consumers will too. From this day forward follow us and see what is new. First, before the posts are geared toward the open source agenda, this is a little something about us and what we do:

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Whether you need short or long term, business critical or day-to-day technical support, RELAY|technology has the resources available to allow you to focus on growing your business. At RELAY|technology, we specialize in initiatives ranging from web development and systems integration to network security and technical support.

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