Monday, March 14, 2011

New iPad On Sale

With the new iPad just released there are many people wondering what all the fuss is about. The other half of the population is camping out in front of stores and losing sleep over how to get a new one. What is really different about this new edition in comparison to the older version? Is a couple new bells and whistles really a justification for raising the prices? you would think in stead of adding a flash to the camera or adding memory the Apple engineers would come up with an I iPad made of all recycled materials or one that does not cost as much due to the economy crisis. But as long as citizens of every country will camp-out and drop their jaws over the hip and the new Apple has every right to price the product at any price they wish. Obviously the are not over pricing it or they would not sell as many. The link below is a pretty good review of the new iPad. It takes more of a "face value" approach to dissect the new attributed and tweaks that have made everyone and their boss check out the new iPad 2.