Monday, October 24, 2011

Best Way To Start A Job Search

There will be a time in almost every person's life where they have to go on a job search. Whether it be to better a career, move to a different industry, move to a new location, or to better your financial status we have all been there and will be there again most likely. But where do you start? How aggressive should I be? Where should I start looking? There are so many questions you can ask yourself that can eventually put off your job search before it is too late. I am a recruiter in the St. Louis IT job market and I have a few helpful tips after reading a very interesting article. Let me show you where to start.

First things first. Take control of your destiny and career. Do not think of yourself in the job market as a small pawn or as a person lost in a giant sea of supposed opportunities. Think of yourself as the "One Man (Or Woman) Show." You are your own company; you are the president, CEO, and Sales staff for this company. You will be selling yourself to a company. You need to make them believe that you are the greatest thing that could happen to their company. You are your own product and you need to sell it to someone. Think of yourself as a hot commodity that they can't live without. This will put you in a more aggressive and confident mind set.

Step two: Define yourself. You should make a list of all the great skills and qualities you could offer a potential employer. Truly take stock in your abilities and positive attributes. After the list define the ideal job you are looking for and that would make you happy. Try to be realistic here; don't list your dream job as a pitcher in the MLB or an astronaut. After doing this you will have a good idea of what jobs to look for and how you can make a case for potential employment in an interview.

Third step: Understand your industry's job market. This is a great way to understand what job will best suit you financially. learn the law of Supply and Demand for the reasons of knowing what jobs are hot right now. For example, don't go looking for jobs as a VCR repair man because the demand for one is non existent.

Step four: This might be the MOST IMPORTANT! do not mistake your time being unemployed as a time for vacations and sleeping in. So many people become lazy and too comfortable being unemployed which can often prolong their time being unemployed. Remember you are your own company! When your company shuts it's doors for business that means the company will go out of business. A full time job averages 40-50 hours a week. Finding a job is a full time job so make the hours count. I would always have a suite or business attire ready to wear in case a last minute interview or meeting pops up so you are prepared. Go get them, be flexible and ready to move fast.

Last Step! Network and plant seeds... EVERYWHERE. Part of finding a job is networking yourself appropriately. Get in touch with anyone and everyone. Get online and surf for jobs, Do not overlook anything. You can always turn down a job that is offered but you can not if you never try or find the jobs. This is up to you to get going and find the right opportunity.

Now your ready and prepared and can understand this is a process. Don't forget any steps and feel free to add your own. GOOD LUCK!

Joe Catalano

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What TabletPC to Choose From: iPad, Blackberry, Android?

The time has finally come when I have found myself looking to splurge and spend money on something I really don't need. I think it is time to buy a TabletPC. I have heard from so many people that they are by far one of the coolest toys around right now and are continuously becoming a little cheaper by the day. But still the bigger question looms; What TabletPC should I buy? To be honest I do not know the first thing about the technology or the differences between the big players in the market such as; iPad, iPad2, Kindle, Android, Blackberry and I'm sure I have left a few out, Sorry! Someone please tell me what the difference is and which one to buy.

Of course since the dawn of the iSeries there has been a gravitational pull towards any projects as they have slowly become a status symbol to many of us. Please take no offence to this; I can't afford one. The iPad and iPad2 have really pushed the craze forward and in my opinion set a bar for others. Apple's marketing is second to none with this technology and they have proven to soar with the hype behind this product line. But what is the big deal? Isn't this a large iPod or a smaller Mac Laptop? Don't get me wrong, I think it is much more convenient to tote this around instead of a large laptop. This brings fantasy football to a new level! But is it necessary and my biggest concern may be that I don't think I would ever use it to its full potential. I don't want an iPad that all I use it for is facebook, Google, e-mail and fantasy football. That would be a waste of money on my part as a consumer. But wait, there is a cheaper alternative!

The other companies out there right now making all none Apple tablets are pushing the edge of the envelope to appeal to consumers. With more functionality and choices it has become a consumer's market again. Now with different sizes and functions there is not just one thing to choose form. But still, what am I going to use this for? Can I justify spending $200, $300 or more on this? Sure it is less than the iPad's but still alot of money for a mini-computer. I wonder what type of hidden costs are involved that I am not even aware of yet! Insurance, web services, who knows what else I will be charged for?

Someone please help. I want to buy one of these and I have heard great things. The only trouble is I don't know what I am buying or what I should buy. Please offer any insight you can. I am thinking about a Kindle Fire, Blackberry, Vizio, iPad2, or the newer HP's.


Joe Catalano

For all you IT professionals we are a staffing firm. Please feel free to contact us in regards to multiple opportunities spanning across all ranges of IT in the greater St. Louis, MO and Los Angeles CA areas.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook or Google+?

As I am sure by now most, if not all, of you out there have heard of the social media Google has pushed out called "Google+." This is a new social media driving many users who have a Gmail account to use this version of social media. There are many different features as well as similar features to those competitors in the industry. I guess the best question is which one should I use? I'm afraid there is no good answer for that question as it is an opinion. However, I can give you my opinion.

I have been trying to get in to the Google+ social media now for about two months or so. When I first heard about the idea I was very excited to see what types of new and different ideas the geniuses at Google were going to come up with. Looking at some of the leaps they have made over time I considered my excitement and anticipation a sure thing. Unfortunately I was less than blown away when I fort used Google+. I was really expecting more people to be on there. I was expecting more innovation. I was expecting to be blown away and use the over achievements of Google let me cast Facebook aside and continue to be distracted by something new. Google+ in my opinion fell short. The actual set up is neither too visually pleasing nor very user friendly.

I think it is safe to say that Facebook has won this battle of the social medias. The war may be far from over however the battles have slowed down just in time for Facebook to release many new features to possibly attract more users or keep the ones they have.

In releasing these new features I think it is clear that Facebook was a little uneasy with Google's release of Google+. Why else make such an attempt to upgrade so much at one time?  I would have done the same if I were lucky enough to be a decision maker at Facebook. All the fighting aside the new features are very cool. Just to ramble off my favorite is the way you will be able to tune into a friends radio station or watch their video as they are streaming it at the same time.

I do not do the explanation justice. But I think by now it should be clear that Google+ although had the momentum to topple Facebook; it has fallen short so far.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Interviewing Tips

Good day to all! Recently I have been blogging here about interesting articles related to IT and usually some connection to open source technology. I thought we here at Relay|technology could offer some great insight to the mad world of interviewing. We are a staffing firm and knowing interviews and being able to coach people through interviews are just a couple services we can provide to our candidates and clients. Below are the top interviewing tips along with a link to an article to elaborate on them. Please enjoy and if you need any help or advise let us know!

Top Interviewing Tips:

1) Practice: Practice makes perfect, everyone knows that, at why should an interview process be any different. Set aside time to practice in the mirror, with a partner, or whatever will best prepare you in your mind because when you feel most ready to interview; you will do your best.

2) Prepare: To best prepare yourself make sure you leave enough time to review all materials that pertain to the interview. Look over and know every inch of your resume, the job description, details on the company and also the people you are interviewing with. This will bring you confidence, and knowledge that will show through in a interview.

3) Get Ready: Make sure you have everything in order before your interview. Often times it is a good idea to lay out everything you will need the night before; suite, resumes, briefcase, portfolio, etc.. Make a checklist to walk down to ensure you are best prepared as possible. DO NOT be running around the day of trying to pick up dry cleaning or printing resumes or anything else for that matter. The last thing you want to be on the day of an interview is rushed!

4) Be On Time: It still amazes me how many people are late to interviews. This is one of the most unprofessional things to do in an interview. Sometimes it is not a bad is a to drive to the interview location a day or two before to make sure you know how to get there. There is nothing wrong with getting to an interview 5-10 minutes early or even drive around the block a couple times to go over your resume again. The last thing you should be in an interview is LATE!

5) Calm Down: It is much easier said than done, I understand. But remember that the reason why you prepared so much is why you should be calm. Try to make the interview a conversation between two professionals not an interrogation. Take a deep breath and keep eye contact. Make sure you listen to the questions asked to you and try to answer them as fully as you can. Lastly, don't be afraid to take a quick second to think about your answer before talking. It is not so bad to take 5 to 10 seconds to think of a great answer as opposed to blurting out a bad one.

7) Show What You Know: A good reason why you should you do so much research on the company and role your interviewing for is to reference that during an interview. This shows what you know about the company and role you're interview shows professionalism and that you care enough to look into it before coming. This could play out very well for you in the end of the process.

8) Follow Up: No matter if it is your first interview, your last or even just got done excepting an offer; you should always follow up via e-mail, letter, or some thank you note. Show the company you are going the extra mile and act in a professional manner. The thank you note could be the one thing that sets you apart from another interviewer. Or the note could be the tiny reminder to the manager or whom ever was interviewing you that you're the person for the job.

Please take what you can from the information above and do your best! The best tip I can give anyone is to be yourself. you will find the right job for you.

For more information go to the following link:

Joe Catalano

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hackers to Destroy Facebook!

Today I read an article and watched a YouTube video form the group who is telling all that they will destroy Facebook on November 5th 2011. I really don't know what to call it other than strange. A group's hatred towards a social media is a little absurd and unneeded. The claim that Facebook is holding all this very private information and will always keep it or even sell it to a government agency even after your profile and account is deleted is not a reason to "destroy." The beauty about social media is the user's free will to choose. No one has ever been forced to create a Facebook account. No one puts a gun to your head or threatens your life to set up an account. If you are willing to have your private information on their network then you are responsible to understand what that could mean for your information in the future.

If any social media is selling information to different governments I do agree that it is a problem that should be solved. However, If you are not doing anything that would be considered bad or illegal then who cares? I would find it hard to believe that someone or some agency could steal my identity with one of my old pictures from college. I doubt any foreign country looking to harm me or the country I live in would find my interest in technology, my favorite music, my favorite foods, or where I graduated from college useful in any way.

Overall, if you have not seen the video or read up on any newscasts or articles on this please do. If the group making threats towards Facebook or any other social media sees how many people think this is ridiculous then maybe we can put all this nonsense behind us. On a side note, I think it would be really funny if there was a group on Facebook that liked the "Hacktivist" group making threats.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cloud Architechts: Supply VS Demand

The link below is to a great article that touches a few different topics that are great for all you cloud enthusiasts, professionals, students, and unemployed geniuses! There is a rise everyday in the amount of companies switching to a cloud based infrastructure. This is a big decision but by all means a necessary one. Besides technically better for most companies the Cloud is a more attractive route for these companies to take. The marketing scheme for Cloud Computing is fantastic. Hosting companies have been on the rise since the technology came out because it is the "Sexy" new product for IT. But companies beware, this may be a giant failure if not done right the first time around.

Due to the rise of demand for Clouds and the architects to design them, there may be a decrease in the level of skill going into the design. A "bad" Cloud being built could result in a catastrophic disaster for a company. Most companies usually have an infrastructure base equal to the amount of business it does. Therefore, the bigger the company the more money it could lose from a bad Cloud. Many companies are not hiring the best Cloud Architects because they don't know what to look for. As a recruiter myself I must take a moment to say that this is why recruiting firms like RELAY|technology are so useful. Let us be the ones to determine if they can do the job properly and then an employer can screen for if they are a fit for the company. 

In the article the author mentions 3 different solutions which are great in my opinion. One; steal the talent from other companies or even top competitors. Two; build the team to design, implement and teach the Cloud technology all at the same time (I'm not as big of a fan for this one as I feel it could waste time and money which a company doesn't usually want to do). Third; rent out your Cloud to a hosting company. I think any company could benefit from this as these hosting companies around the US are becoming more and more sophisticated. One company in particular, Contegix, is doing amazing work for its clients and the development and building of its opensource technology. Contegix is an amazing hosting environment utilizing all the most cutting edge technology in the opensource community.

All companies beware of building a bad Cloud. The process is detrimental to success and if not carefully executed it could lead to a massive failure for your company. Do the right thing; pay the high dollar to someone who knows what they are doing, or a company who can provide it for you.

Thank you for reading.

The article:

Joseph V. Catalano

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rumor: iPhone 4S Sold in Sprint Stores

The link below rumors the inevitable; the iPhone being sold by Sprint. Now this is still called a rumor but can anyone deny you saw this coming? The deal makes sense on too many levels to ignore. As AT&T/Verizon ask for government bailout Sprint still holds a large portion of the cellular phone consumer market. Sprint has released over time a good number of android based smart phones and continues to come out with newer features, better cameras, larger screens, ect. This dynamic of options speaks to a consumer and what better option to have in your arsenal than the beloved iPhone.

Over time the iPhone has been marketed more uniquely than any other cell phone in history. The catchy and visually pleasing commercials backed by a tune that make you tap your feet. The Smartphone has set a standard for those to come. It has become a status symbol among many across the world. I think it would be a great deal for sprint and Apple both. There have been so many people over the years that have left Sprint only because they want an iPhone. With an iPhone available Sprint could retain much more consumers and maybe even welcome back more with their competitive prices and plans.

For a company like AT&T this could be a major setback in the future development of the company while it takes one of the biggest bargaining chips they hold. After the purchase of T-Mobile from Deutsche Telekom AT&T could use the iPhone in their corner to continue a steady revenue stream. Let's be real, this is a big deal to Sprint and AT&T both.

From my perspective I am very interested in seeing what kind of complications Apple has with testing iPhones for Sprint. If done correctly this could change the cellular provider market for good. Don't let me tell you what is what, read it for yourself. Please provide me with feedback. We are all just spectators in this with great opinions. What's yours?


Joe Catalano